Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Old Baby Shoes and Antique Toys

Have you ever come across an item that just tugs at your heartstrings?

Old and warn baby shoes tell a story with their dirty color and scuffs.  I found the ones above at an estate sale as I was hauling a box of dishes out of a house and to my car.  I'd already paid for my things when I spotted the pair and stopped to give Ken, from the estate sale company, a few more dollars.  Kindly he let me just take them.

Amazing isn't it, that someone would hold onto a little pair of shoes for their entire life.  No child today would probably wear shoes long enough to get them into such a well worn condition. Maybe a baby or toddler sported them during the Depression when money was hard to come by.

The little boy with a football is a precious toy.  I gave it to my friend Michelle because her son played football for 15 years, beginning when he was a wee little thing.  Such a cute diminutive rubber toy.

What baby things do you keep or collect?  Maybe someone will eventually clean out my house and find the knitted sweaters that my aunt made for my kids when they were babies or the quilt a dear friend gave my daughter when she was born.  Or just maybe they will be passed along to my grandchildren some day.

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